Has ‘Organic’ Been Oversized: Avoiding Tragedy On Maple Street

Organic Certification?

Cooking Up A Story has written a new editorial that addresses many folks concern with the New York Times article “Has Organic Been Oversized?” We talked about this article in Does “Big Food” and “Big Ag” Control “Organic”? There has been quite a bit of controversy about the article, partly due to the misreading of some that the article was about organic agriculture, when in fact it is about organic certification. Don’t get the two confused!

To many, the process of organic certification has been corrupted and co-opted by large companies wanting to gain a share of the very lucrative organic market. Cooking Up A Story (CUPS) advances the point that not all corporations are predatory and solely profit driven, which is true. They have a very valid statement in that being able to reach, teach and move 300 million consumers, you need more than a good blogging site!

The main, salient point that needs recognition is that despite it’s shortcomings, organic certification has definite, positive and meaningful benefits. Yes it needs work and a watchful eye to ensure that it doesn’t get made into a mouthpiece for Big Ag and Big Food, but let’s be careful to not throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Has ‘Organic’ Been Oversized: Avoiding Tragedy On Maple Street

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